Alteya Organics
Alteya Organics有機系列來自保加利亞的玫瑰峽谷,家族早於一世紀前從事玫瑰和薰衣草的種植,製造聞名世界的玫瑰精油和各種精油產品。 Alteya Organics擁有自己的有機玫瑰園,每年聘用保加利亞原居民去種植、採花,運用古方蒸餾玫瑰精油,並製作一系列有機護膚產品。
所有產品獲美國USDA有機認證,不含化學成分、香料、色素。 不使用動物測試。
Alteya Organics was born in 1999 but growing and caring for roses has been a family tradition for over a century, since the early 1900s. Our organic rose fields, shielded by the slopes of two majestic mountain ranges, are in the heart of the Bulgarian Rose Valley, the land of Thracian Kings and home to the world’s finest flower – the Bulgarian Rose.
We grow and harvest roses and lavender, and distill premium organic rose and lavender essential oils and flower waters using generations-old recipes. We also offer a wide range of organic plant extracts, oils and herbs from the eco-regions of the Balkan Mountain. After many years of extensive research, we enhanced our proprietary steam-distillation method that marries 400 years of tradition with science, to extract flower essences that are dermatology-grade and retain the therapeutic properties and synergy of the plants.
For years, Alteya’s scientific team has been researching ancient traditional recipes and the miracle effects of organic rose oil (rose otto) on skin. As a result, we were able to produce rare and limited rose Organic skin and body care based on old proven formulations enhanced to specifically meet the skincare needs of modern, eco-savvy people.
It is based on an exclusive compound, our proprietary Bio-Damascena® Skin Reviving Complex – a combination of organic essential oils and extracts combined with Organic Rose Otto – designed to improve skins’ resistance to environmental factors and slow down the aging process.